Shaping the World
the latest book from David M. Giltner, PhD

Shaping the World
the latest book from David M. Giltner, PhD

Shaping the World
The Vital Role of Scientists in Industry
How can a scientist make the biggest impact?
The traditional place to find a scientist at work is in a university lab performing
fundamental science research.But most scientists actually work in industry, solving problems and helping develop products and services.
The private sector is where sciencerealizes its fullest potential. Academic research is critical to our understanding of the universe we inhabit, but technology commercialization is where scientific discoveries are turned into practical solutions that make our lives better.
“It’s about being able to shape theworld, and I am going to be a part of it.”
-Chris Myatt, PhD Physicist and founder of two successful companies
Shaping the World is the next book from scientist and educator David M. Giltner, founder of TurningScience and author of It's a Game, not a Formula and Turning Science into Things People Need.
Inside you will find extended interviews with these scientists and many more:
Physicist and biotech startup founder Marinna Madrid
Professor and director of the MSU Optical Technology Center Joe Shaw
Entrepreneur, author, and technology initiative executive Peter Fiske
Professor, venture fund partner, and founder of The Photon Factory Cather Simpson
Professor and founder of Brussels Photonics (B-PHOT) Hugo Thienpont
Professor and co-founder of Zero Point Cryogenics John P. Davis
Laser scientist, author, and legislative affairs specialist Christina C. C. Willis
Biologist and science communication coach Oliver Wueseke